Winter Sunset over Sweden @ 36,000 feet

the iPhone X as in-flight camera

IMG_0776I shot this series of “skyscape” pictures over Sweden on a recent SAS flight from Tokyo to Copenhagen. I recently received an iPhone X — my first smartphone! — as a Christmas present, and I’ve been eager to play with the camera in particular.

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Swiss Alps Photo Galleries: Murren and Gimmelwald (Gallery Three)

Gimmelwald, Swiss Alps

Murren and Gimmelwald, Switzerland

(Part of an ongoing series of galleries created from photos taken in and around Murren and Gimmelwald in the Lauterbrunnen Velley of the Bernese Oberland, Swistzerland. Follow these links to visit Gallery One and Gallery Two).

In the summer of 2010 I returned to the most memorable spot from my first trip to Europe more than twenty years earlier: the villages of Murren and Gimmelwald above Lauterbrunnen Valley. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it very well with the weather: it rained most of the week I was there, and one morning I walked to the post office through falling  snow. This was early August. On the plus side, a young alpaca watched me pass, eyeing my Gore-Tex longingly. Or hungrily…

On fair weather days I did manage to get out for a few hikes in and around town, including the trail (most of the way) to Rotstockhuette.

I carried two cameras on this trip: The Canon G9 and the original Olympus E-P1. The first PEN model was slow to clear the buffer, had no optional viewfinder and dim LCD, and the settings were easily changed with a bump of the various rear controls. As a consequence, I lost a lot of good pictures. Here are the survivors. For lenses I carried the Lumix 20mm 1.7, and the coveted Lumix 7-14 4.0 wide-angle zoom.

Murren, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps-8 Murren, Swiss Alps-9 Murren, Swiss Alps-10 Gimmelwald, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps-12 Murren, Swiss Alps-13 Murren, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps-15 Gimmelwald, Swiss Alps Murren, Swiss Alps-14 Murren, Swiss Alps

Swiss Alps Photo Drift: Murren and Gimmelwald (Gallery Two)

Murren, Swiss Alps

Murren & Gimmelwald, Luaterbrunnen Valley Swiss Alps

In the summer of 2010 I returned to the villages of Murren and Gimmelwald in the Swiss Alps, high above Lauterbrunnen Valley, where I’d first visited some twenty years before, Unfortunately, this return trip, I didn’t have much luck with the weather: it rained most of the week I was there, and one morning I walked to the post office through falling  snow. This was early August. On the plus side, a young alpaca watched me pass, eyeing my Gore-Tex longingly. Or hungrily…

On fair weather days I did manage to get out for a few hikes in and around town, including the trail (most of the way) to Rotstockhuette.

Continue reading “Swiss Alps Photo Drift: Murren and Gimmelwald (Gallery Two)”

Chamonix the Sublime

Chamonix the Sublime
Chamonix the Sublime

In the summer of 2010, two very cool things happened:

1. R. and I went to London and the Lake District on our honeymoon.

2. I made a return trip, after 22 years, to the two highlights of my first trip overseas at the (coincidental) age of 22: Chamonix, France; and Gimmelwald/Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland.

I’ve already written about the Swiss Alps. In this post, I’m gonna let the pictures do most of the talking, except to say that I hope it isn’t another 22 years before I return… Check out Chamonix the Sublime on 500px.

Lake District Landscapes

I do not know any tract of country in which, within so narrow a compass, may be found an equal variety in the influences of light and shadow upon the sublime or beautiful features of landscape.   — William Wordsworth

Never got into Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit stories, and I’ve always preferred the Romantic sublime of Shelley’s poem Mont Blanc to Wordsworth’s Daffodils. Nevertheless, when R. and I got married in the summer of 2010, we decided to honeymoon in London and the Lake District. And, sure enough, what Keswick and Ambleside, and the surrounding fells and tarns, lacked in ineffable majesty it made up for in “light and shadow”: perfect conditions for a pair of newlywed photographers! Enjoy the slideshow.

Sebastio Selgado’s GENESIS at the Royal Ontario Museum ’til September 2nd

The ROM is hosting the North American premiere of landscape and nature photographer Sebastio Selgado’s exhibition, “GENESIS.” Get more on Selgado and “Genesis” on this ROM web page, which includes inmages from the show and videos of Selgado.

We left town before seeing the exhibition, but I did fall in love with the book and browsed it thoroughly in the museum gift shop. Hmn, my birthday’s coming…