Cool Vid: Paddling the Gwaii Haanas with a Really Nice Couple

Stumbled on this reality travel video created by Doi Nomazi (Travelo Therapy) about a husband and wife sea kayak trip in the Gwaii Haanas islands (formerly the Queen Charlottes) in British Columbia. Thing is, they seem like a really, really nice couple. They may remind you of people you know…. Watch when you’re in the mood for a little virtual travel but don’t need the adrenaline rush of oh, say, Les Stroud’s Survivorman, or Bear Grylls’ Man vs. Wild or The Island.

Did I mention they’re nice?

Cool Video: Mars Flyover

From, an article and embedded video from Mars Express — of the European Space Agency– of an awesome flyover of Mars’ surface. 3D feel! Reminds me of the IMAX film of the Grand Canyon from back in the 80s. Except it… is… freaking… Mars…

Thanks to Ted Chew for the head’s up.

Lake District Landscapes

I do not know any tract of country in which, within so narrow a compass, may be found an equal variety in the influences of light and shadow upon the sublime or beautiful features of landscape.   — William Wordsworth

Never got into Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit stories, and I’ve always preferred the Romantic sublime of Shelley’s poem Mont Blanc to Wordsworth’s Daffodils. Nevertheless, when R. and I got married in the summer of 2010, we decided to honeymoon in London and the Lake District. And, sure enough, what Keswick and Ambleside, and the surrounding fells and tarns, lacked in ineffable majesty it made up for in “light and shadow”: perfect conditions for a pair of newlywed photographers! Enjoy the slideshow.